Monday, May 08, 2006

Interview preparation:

1. Effective Java
2. The Complete Ref
3. Java Almanac
4. Java Forum at
5. Concurrent Programming in Java
6. Reflection
7. Regular expression

1. Scott Mayor: Effective C++
2. C++ FAQ
3. C++ Programming with design pattern
4. STL basics
5. Object created in the heap vs the object created in the stack.
6. Heap fragmentation and Stack overflow
7. Thread locks: Semaphore, Mutex
8. Copy constructor and Operator overloading
9. Virtual destructor
10. Diff between new, malloc and delete
11. DataStructure: heap, stack
12. Sorting algorithms
13. Multiple inheritence and issues with multiple inheritence.
14. Issues with delete this
15. Is-a and has-a relationship
16. Inhertance vs aggregation

1. Command and debbuging.

1. MySQL
2. Nornalization, Indexing, Inner and Outer join

Data Structure:
1. Array, Link List, Vector, Queue, Trees (B/Binary), Hashtable, Hash Map
2. How to traverse a tree.
3. Hashtable: Hashing function, Linear probing

Sorting and Searching:
1. Bubble sort, Shell sort, binary sort, Heap sort, Merge sort
2. Write a program to merge a sorted list.

1. Threading Models
2. Thread signalling
3. Sync mechanism: Mutex/Semaphore


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